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"Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why"
Bernard Baruch
As a PhD researcher, I'm relatively new to the complex world of creating new knowledge and enjoying the learning journey. Below is a summary of some of my research which I hope to build on in the coming years.
Research Projects & Publications
PhD (completing) - currently researching the impact of physical activity on chronic pain. More specifically, I am investigating how changes in physical activity affect people with persistent pain.
Moore, A., Trevail. T., O’Brien, K. (under investigation, 2024) Innovations in Tertiary Health Education: Usability of an Online Education Tool in Undergraduate Health Sciences.
Trevail. T., et al. (under investigation, 2024) Individual Experiences with GTPS: Semi-structured in-depth interviews to understand perceptions and beliefs related to pain, exercise, and physical activity.
Trevail, T., Cleary, C., & Young, L. (2024) Sideline Injury Management. In Routledge International Handbook of Sports and Exercise Therapy. Routledge, London (available here).
Trevail, T., Fleischmann, M., Williams, A., Hume, M., Beilby, J., Gabbett, T., and Malliaras, P. (under review, 2024) Associations of Objectively Measured Step Count with Patient Reported and Functional Outcomes in Chronic Lower Body Musculoskeletal Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Stubbs, C.,... Trevail, T.,... Malliaras, P. (2023) Which psychological and psychosocial constructs are important to measure in future tendinopathy clinical trials? A modified International Delphi study with expert clinician/researchers and people with tendinopathy. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy (available here).
Masters Research Thesis (2017); The Use of Load Monitoring as a Key Injury Prevention Strategy in Individual Combat Sports. (unpublished; see project here).
Young, L. & Trevail, T. (2015) Pitch-side Trauma Care. In Routledge International Handbook of Sports Therapy, Injury Assessment and Rehabilitation, Routledge, London (available here).
Trevail, T. (2012) Convulsive Syncope Following Acupuncture; A Case Report. Journal of Sports Therapy, Vol.5, Iss.1.
Trevail, T. (2007) Honours Degree Dissertation; Common Aetiology of Shoulder Injuries in Tennis (unpublished).